Young designers gathered again in Sarajevo as part of the BRAVO project “Fashioration” for a five-day training course that took place between 20.03. and 24.03.2023. in order to further develop their skills and expand their knowledge of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tradition and cultural intangible heritage. This LTT course gathered 20 young people from Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and it shifted its focus more into making handmade jewelry with traditional methods and with traditional materials. The training course started with a presentation about the project activities implemented so far. Then the participants had a tour of the “Zemaljski muzej” and “Vijećnica” which were a great source of inspiration for upcoming handmade artworks and crafts. 

On day 2, the participants had a chance to visit “Svrzina kuća”, to soak in its history and the traditional way of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as a fun workshop of traditional embroidery on scarves with all kinds of tools that they made with the addition of traditional bosnian music called “sevdalinke”. On day 3, the fun wasn’t lacking because participants made their own handmade jewelry using traditional methods and tools. All of these activities brought our participants together through teamwork and learning about new cultures.


FASHIORATION is focused on the special cultural expression of the participating countries, which is related to fashion and special ways of making clothes based on local traditions (both in terms of design and materials used, etc.). This traditional knowledge is part of the intangible cultural heritage because it is one of the most authentic ways of cultural expression of local communities. At the same time, the clothing used inspired by national cultural heritage is a tangible commodity that can be sold (inside and outside the country) and generate income for local communities.  The project aims to improve the employability and entrepreneurship of young people. Its main goal is to develop skills in young people, so that they can value elements of their country’s cultural tradition in relation to fashion and be able to work in this industry. FASHIORATION aims to bring together different cultures in terms of fashion and costuming habits and to train young designers and young people who are interested in working in the fashion sector so that they can rely on their national tradition, work creatively on it and provide new contemporary creations to society as a whole , which will bear the characteristics of their tradition. It also aims to cultivate the ground for creating synergy at the transnational level not only between participants from partner countries, but also beyond. FASHIORATION will unleash creative forces. This project will train and open new creative horizons for young creators in the entire costume and fashion production chain. Inspiring techniques, design, construction, weaving and dyeing that have their roots in the tradition and history of the people will be presented. In this way, young creators will focus their attention precisely on their roots.

More about BRAVO you can see on our video below: 

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