As previously stated, the initiative “Becoming Digitally Conscious” will provide several possibilities for young people to become better versions of themselves through the practice of healthy digital habits. We hope you’re familiar with the project’s theme because we’ll get into the specifics!


The project’s three primary goals are to create a program of educational activities for young people, train a group of youth workers, and raise awareness about the impacts of excessive internet use in partner nations. The program is based on the “Theory of Change” methodology since it seeks to have a positive impact on society by making changes based on identified needs. The project will consist of non-formal activities with the overall goal of increasing awareness about the dangers of excessive internet use and the need to become more attentive to how people use digital gadgets. As a result, the community should reduce the number of hours passed in front of screens and, when doing so, they will do it in a more mindful way.

A Training Course was held in Montenegro as part of the project. The goal of this training was to prepare trainers and youth workers to deliver the educational program in various circumstances utilizing a non-formal methodology. Participants had an incredible opportunity to learn about the barriers to education digitalization and how to overcome them, the positive and bad consequences of technological advancements in the teaching process, and to generally enhance their skills. The young people who participated in this mobility received one valuable experience that has gradually benefitted their personal development and professional development.

The next activity is Youth Exchange, which will take place in Germany. The Youth Exchange will involve 30 youngsters for the pilot testing of the deliverable. The experts from NEST Berlin who participated in the elaboration of the educational material will apply the activities with a real group of individuals. The participants in the Youth Exchange will be involved as disseminators or Ambassadors of healthy digital use in the coming months. This implies they will commit to carrying out monthly initiatives to promote the conscious use of technologies, either online or offline.


We are excited about the upcoming months of the project implementation, and we believe that the results will speak for themselves. We encourage everyone to become more aware of their digital habits and start making positive changes toward responsible digital device use.

More about BDC project:

We are excited to introduce the “Becoming Digitally Conscious” initiative, aimed at promoting healthy digital habits among young people. This project has three primary goals that we are committed to achieving.


The first goal of our initiative is to create a program of educational activities that will help young people become more aware of the impacts of excessive internet use. Our program is based on the “Theory of Change” methodology, which seeks to have a positive impact on society by making changes based on identified needs. Our non-formal activities will focus on increasing awareness about the dangers of excessive internet use and the need to become more mindful of how people use digital gadgets.


The second goal is to train a group of youth workers in delivering the educational program using non-formal methodology. The training will provide the participants with an incredible opportunity to enhance their skills and learn about the barriers to education digitalization and how to overcome them. This will enable them to become ambassadors of healthy digital use and to promote responsible digital device use among their peers.


The third and final goal is to conduct a Youth Exchange in Germany, where 30 young individuals will participate in the pilot testing of the deliverable. The participants will be involved as disseminators or Ambassadors of healthy digital use in the coming months, committing to carrying out monthly initiatives to promote the conscious use of technologies, either online or offline.


We believe that our initiative will help young people become better versions of themselves by promoting healthy digital habits. We are excited about the upcoming months of the project implementation and are confident that the results will speak for themselves. We encourage everyone to become more aware of their digital habits and start making positive changes toward responsible digital device use. Join us in our mission to become digitally conscious and make the most of the opportunities technology provides us while being mindful of its potential harms.

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