KORFBALL - Final Meeting, Milano, Italy

Namely, as you all already know, BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities is an organization that breaks down barriers day by day and fights for human rights and equality. So it was this time as well. This time BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities broke down barriers and promoted equality through, no less and no more, than sport. What is it about?


This time we bring you a wonderful story and a 1st place trophy from the International Korftball Competition held in Milan, Italy.

With our dear friends from the korftball club from Maglaj, little city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we broke down all the barriers and won first place, with all the victories recorded, at the International Competition in Milan. 


We have no words to describe how proud we are of our children, our four girls and our four boys, and of all their hard work, struggle, and sacrifices. It was wonderful to watch you represent our homeland Bosnia and Herzegovina and fight with all your heart to achieve your goal. We also congratulate their wonderful coach, parents, friends and all those who fought for these wonderful children to register another victory for Bosnia and Herzegovina and present it in the brightest light. The world really loves winners, and you have proven to be one of them.

And for those who do not know korfball is the world’s only mixed team sport. Since its earliest development, korfball teams have consisted equally of male and female players. In all instances, from korfball’s foremost international athletes, to children in the playground, this is an activity where both sexes play together on completely even terms.

In play, korfballers only directly oppose members of their own sex, therefore the game is structured to dilute advantages of height, speed or strength that would otherwise make mixed team sport impossible to achieve with any degree of equality.


Once again, congratulations and we are proud of you. Thank you for writing another wonderful BRAVO story together with you.


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