Through various projects, the BRAVO team works with partners to improve the world and give young people chances to grow. One of these initiatives is “Traditional Sports and Games.

In the period from 3rd till 8th February, the director of BRAVO, Ismail Šehić, attended a kick-off meeting in Istanbul, Turkiye, of the aforementioned project. Partners at this meeting talked about the development of digital platforms and applications for the revival of traditional sports and games, as well as the promotion of tradition through sport and traditional games. With this meeting, we launched a project that would last for the upcoming two years.

So you may ask-what results are expected during the project and on its completion?

With the partnership of our project partners, institutions and organizations from different countries and sectors working in the fields of traditional sports and games, culture, art, youth, digitalization, innovation, creativity, social inclusion, equality, democracy and social entrepreneurship, a digital event themed “Revival of Traditional Sports and Games” platform will be created. This platform will be free and open to everyone at the international level.


Inventory work with content such as printed/electronic intellectual outputs, books/booklets, innovative methods and techniques on teaching traditional sports and games that will contribute to the research, discovery, revival and dissemination of traditional sports and games that are about to be forgotten in Europe and the world, In order to teach sports and games in the digital environment, the mobile application/game open to content development will contain intellectual outputs and features such as a live map (heat map) showing where traditional sports and games are played in the world and the information of organizations working in this field.

During and upon completion of the project, the following will occur:
  • Revival of Traditional Sports and Games International Forum (1 time)
  • International Culture and Sports Festival will be organized in the field of Traditional Sports and Games with an environmentalist, innovative and technological quality. Calculating carbon footprint and creating environmental awareness by using innovative, digital and environmental practices (with the help of digital, technological tools) at the festival (1 time)
  • International mobility activities promoting learning opportunities in the fields of creative and cultural heritage for artists, athletes and creative individuals in the fields of formal/non-formal education and youth work
  • Promotion and dissemination studies
  • Activities to develop talents and increase entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative fields; illustration, photography and creative writing competitions attended by individuals of all ages
  • Release of a special album containing material from the activities (photos, drawings, creative writing experiments, etc.)
  • Learning, teaching and training activities that will improve the digital skills of young people
With us everything is possible and when we collaborate together we can create innovative ideas that will have a big impact on our society.Traditional sports are part of our culture and as such we should nurture them!
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