With new projects, BRAVO writes beautiful stories that really change our society for the better. We provide people with opportunities to improve themselves in various fields, Through various projects, we aim to tackle issues that, unfortunately, are not being seen as important  enough by society.


As part of the project „IDEA“, we have new goals and we need your help.


“Improved Employability through circular economy education for Adults” (IDEA) is a 24 months Cooperation partnership aimed at promoting Circular Economy and Sustainability among unemployed adults, by fostering greater interaction between the European Green Deal and the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.


Objectives of the project are next:

-Providing Adult Educators and trainers with skills, competencies and tools to engage women at risk of exclusion (45+) and/or who did not complete their studies

-Creating upskilling pathways for these women, and increasing their take-up of new adult education opportunities in the field of circular economy and sustainability.

IDEA foresees the production of a comprehensive format based on a pedagogical learning process made by joining efficient and practical methodologies such as the innovative tinkering methodology and NFE methods to transfer to the target group of unemployed adults skills, competencies and knowledge on Circular Economy Education and Plastic Craftwork.

The goal of this research is to identify and understand relevant topics for unemployed people and ways to improve employability.

We encourage you to take 5 minutes to complete the form and progressively help the implementation of future project activities and the improvement of employability.


On the following link, you can fill out the form:

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