Unfortunately, we live in a world where equality is just a concept as many people face discrimination and prejudice daily. The goal of the local meeting in Zenica was exactly that, to educate young people about ways they can contribute to marginalized groups and thus, build a more inclusive, accepting society. Through this event, young people had an amazing chance to learn about different forms of discrimination and the urgency of promoting equality in all aspects of our society.
Sadly, the general public lacks adequate information about the challenges faced by marginalized groups. This is because they do not have a safe space to share their experiences. To address this issue, BRAVO has organized a local meeting with public authorities. The purpose of this meeting was to provide a platform where the stories of marginalized groups will be shared. It is precisely the stories of marginalized groups that are stories of intolerance and discrimination, which, unfortunately, are not effectively shared with the general public.
The local meeting with public authorities in Zenica was held on the 17th of February and it gathered over thirty young people and five inspiring speakers from three different associations and organizations.
The event speakers were Selma Badžić, Indira Bajramović, Emina Kasap Omerašević, Sedina Burić, and Berina Golub. We were incredibly honored to have these speakers as our guests, who were selflessly sharing their experience and knowledge with young participants.
The first speaker of the event was Selma Badžić, representative of the Center of Women’s Rights, an organization that has been working proactively for 28 years on providing equal rights and building a society where gender equality will be practiced. Through her speech, Selma elaborated on the position of women in BiH, especially women coming from marginalized groups. The speaker highlighted the ways they have been helping people, especially women, through numerous projects and programs, enabling them to get help in all spheres of life while promoting their active involvement in the decision-making processes. The speaker encouraged everyone not to be silent and to seek help as the Center of Women’s Rights is there to provide them with the help and the support they need!
After the first speaker concluded her speech, the director of the Association of Roma Women ‘’Bolja budućnost’’, Indira Bajramović shared her experience as a Roma woman. She emphasized how the experiences she went through were far from pleasant. Still, they have shaped her as a person and motivated her to find her association which has been working for 23 years, helping Roma communities all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. During her speech, she discussed the projects and programs her association has undertaken to enhance the living conditions of the Roma community. The speaker gradually educated participants about the Roma culture and history and thus, raised awareness among the participants who had limited knowledge but were still eager to learn more. She urged participants to fight prejudice, discrimination, and intolerance and thus, contribute to building a society where Roma communities will fully thrive and be respected for who they are.
The last speakers of the event were the representatives of the organization Merhamet Zenica, Emina Kasap Omerašević, Sedina Burić, and Berina Golub. Through their speech, they talked about the organization’s efforts and initiatives to help marginalized groups and provide them with much-needed resources. Their speech and presentation were very emotional as they gave space for a young Roma boy to share his story and experience. The little boy became the highlight of the event and served as a great example for everyone to follow and be the change they wish to see in the world!
In a society full of discrimination and hateful attitudes towards marginalized groups, this meeting was very much needed for people to get educated and aware of their actions. By taking part in this activity, participants learned more about the position of marginalized groups and the ways to provide them with necessary help and support.
We are extremely grateful for the inspirational speakers who took part in this event and motivated young people to be advocates for change and create a society in BiH that nurtures equality for all. Therefore, the AHEAD local meeting with authorities was successfully implemented as it sparked change and raised awareness about the problems of marginalized groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina!
More about AHEAD project:
AHEAD project aims to promote between youngsters non–discrimination and to combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance against Roma and other Ethnic minorities (mostly migrants). Partners jointly work on innovative good practice approaches, human rights-based narratives, training, official regular meetings, and European awareness raising campaigns. The project promotes inclusion, tolerance, mutual and multicultural understanding, and fight Roma, ethnic minorities, and migrants in Europe through an innovative approach that combines research, training (national and international) on antidiscrimination and on hate speech, round tables, seminars, the exchange of good practices, meetings between different representatives, stakeholders, CSOs, and youth associations, and a massive dissemination campaign.
The project aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity building of young victims (part of minorities) and the protection of youngsters belonging to minorities by supporting them in capacity building and structuring new mechanisms in public consultations in partner’s country (replicable all over Europe) on the issue of nondiscrimination and fighting every form of hate speech against ethnic minorities, Roma and migrants.
AHEAD’s aim is to tackle hate speech (also online) and to combat discriminations that target minorities in 5 areas of civil rights: education, labor, housing, health, goods and services, through specific training offered to 200 participants and through an new approach that combines quantitative research, public meetings with stakeholders, and awareness raising campaign. After providing expertise, building competences, advocating and raising awareness among youth people, partners will support the mobilization of young victims and will focus on Capacity building actions for youth, in order to involve Youngsters in decision making and into new structured automatic mechanisms to empower their active participation on hate speech and antidiscrimination.