Erasmus+ days with BRAVO are on a whole other level, as you get the opportunity to learn, explore, and upgrade, but also drink coffee with your favorite BRAVO humans! Today, on the 11th of October, the long-awaited #ErasmusDays event, Coffee with BRAVO, took place, and it gathered a wide range of participants who were interested in getting in touch with BRAVO team members and learning more about the benefits of Erasmus+ and ESC programs, as well as the experience of our ESC volunteers who are coming from different countries.

Spending time and engaging in informal gatherings was truly beneficial for everyone involved, as attendees got the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the whole process of applying to Erasmus+ and ESC projects. This coffee was attended by our amazing ESC volunteers who were more than happy to engage with locals and create new friendships. They shared their stories and talked about different sides of ESC volunteering. 

By sharing their ESC experiences, they have truly inspired and motivated attendees to break free from the shackles of their comfort zones and try the ESC experience for themselves! It was nice to put their phones aside and be present in the moment, creating real-life connections. This coffee gathering served as a great reminder of the importance of human connection in today’s fast, digital world.

It is safe to say that the gathering was beneficial and impactful for both sides, as everyone left the gathering with a deep sense of unity and collaboration. You may think that it was just a coffee gathering, but it was much more than that, as new ideas, collaborations, and friendships were being made. Attendees got their much-needed dose of both information and motivation to apply to upcoming Erasmus+ and ESC projects and Make the World Wonder with their ideas and knowledge.

Even though the Erasmus+ days are coming to an end, we still have three more special events and unique opportunities for you to engage and step into the world of endless opportunities and lifetime experiences!

With six events in total, each day brings a unique opportunity for you to take the initiative and become the change:
  • 12th of October: ESC Cultural Exchange Evening
  • 13th of October: Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day (Tuzla)
  • 14th of October: Scavenger Hunt

Therefore, don’t waste time more and apply for the remaining activities! You can find all the detailed information about each event on our social media profiles.


Erasmus+ Days has come a long way since its inception in 2017 during the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ program. These events serve as a celebration of the program’s remarkable success and highlight the life-changing learning experiences it offers to participants. Moreover, they provide an avenue for potential beneficiaries to explore and join this transformative program. Over the years, Erasmus+ Days have gained momentum, with 2022 seeing a staggering 6,295 events organized in 58 countries. These events serve as a testament to the global impact and significance of the Erasmus+ program. This initiative showcases the EU’s flagship program, which supports education, training, youth, and sports. Held from October 9th to 14th, this year’s celebration is marked by a new and extended format. It’s a global phenomenon, with events and initiatives taking place worldwide. Whether you are an Erasmus+ beneficiary, a European actor, or an alumni of the program, the #ErasmusDays give you the chance to share your experience, organize an event, or spread the word about your project.

More about BRAVO you can see on our video below: 
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