Emphasize abilities, not limitations - Sitting Darts

BRAVO as a non-profit and non-governmental organization is working hard to create a safe space where no one will feel uncomfortable and scared to speak freely and advocate their principles. Working with people, in a social sector, we are facing many obstacles towards social inclusion. As a team of young, motivated people, we are tying to use our power in a good effort by promoting our key principles and raising awareness about threats that our society is facing. Unfortunately, world is not kind to everyone and it especially picks on people that don’t have support to expose the injustice they face on a daily basis.

Through various activities, projects BRAVO is trying to be their voice that will be heard.  We truly believe that every person should have equal chances and right to involve in sport activities. Therefore, we know the importance of including children with disabilities in sport and finding an adequate way of doing it.

Alongside with ‘’Association Sport for all Serbia’’, ‘’Ovidius University of Constanta’’ and coordinators of the project ‘’Turkish Bocce’’ and ‘’Bowling and Darts Federation’’ BRAVO is creating one wonderful story.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ project of the European Union, ‘’Sitting darts’’ is the project intended for young people with disabilities aged 14 to 18 years. The main purposes are:

  • Reaching disabled people with fewer opportunities who are precisely because of the disorders left out of social life and deprived of the healing and health advantages of sport
  • Increasing the quality of life and cover social aspects of it through implementing sport activities
  • Reinforcing the solidarity and friendship between the kids


Even though darts isn’t a mainstream sport, we choose it as a tool and activity that isn’t requiring high physical performance and still develops responsibility by competing both individually and in a team. On the field every kid is the same. In order of increasing the empathy kids with no health issues will play darts on a wheelchair.

On a second transnational ‘’Sitting darts’’ meeting which was held in Belgrade from 5th till 7th October, various interesting topics such as local tournaments, trainings, dissemination were discussed.  Meeting was held in business premises of ‘’Association Sport for all Serbia’’.

On the first day presentations and evaluations of national competitions held in participants countries were shown. The remaining days as well as the first were spent in a working atmosphere as the details regarding the final tournament in Ankara, Turkey were presented. The final tournament should be realized from 12th till 14th of November. Besides the final tournament, the final meeting is planned for making evaluation of the goals, framework proposal for the continuation of the project idea, and dissemination of all information

Together we are making change and fighting against discrimination in order of providing equal opportunities for everyone. By implementing the project, together we are changing the system and the way it behaves towards targeted groups.

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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