The BRAVO team attended a Training Course  “Digital Yin-Yang in Youth Work” in Croatia from the 10th to the 16th of March. The participants gained one beneficial experience during the project’s five days as they gained new knowledge, enhanced their skills, and extended their social networks.

This Training Course tackled the following questions:

  • How do online activities affect young people?”

  • “What is the best ratio of online and live activities?”

  • “How to use digital tools in a way that complements live activities instead of replacing them?”

  • “Which digital tools to use and how?”

Digital yin-yang in youth work” was a project which was focused on increasing the awareness of experts about the importance of creating a yin-yang, a balance of online and offline activities for young people while offering them an opportunity to create an effective strategy. While having a rationally critical assessment of the digital world, participants worked on finding a way how to combine modern technologies in their youth work in a way that would benefit the young people they are working with, while reducing potential harm to the minimum.


The project gathered 31 participants from nine different countries, including Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Estonia, Slovakia, Greece, and Germany. Despite their different backgrounds, all participants were united by the same idea and driven by the same force.


Participants throughout the workshops gained an understanding of various digital applications, as well as the positive and negative aspects of digitalization in the workplace, as well as its impact on young people and the organizations that work with them.

By the end of the project, the participants:

  • Gained a better understanding of the balance between digital and offline activities
  • Became more competent and learned more about digital applications which can be used in everyday life
  • Worked and learned in one intercultural environment and gained knowledge about other countries and cultures

Overall, the Training Course “Digital Yin-Yang in Youth Work” provided a fantastic opportunity for participants from all across Europe to obtain information, broaden their skills, and improve both personally and professionally.


The project is implemented within the Erasmus + program co-financed by the European Union and which supports the development of knowledge and skills in the fields of education, training, youth, and sports

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