BRAVO with partners announce a call for 5 participants for a TRAINING COURSE in Sofia, Bulgaria from 14.08 – 21.08.2021. for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those living in this country.

  • Name of the project: “Art of Creative Thinking

  • Date of Project:  14.08 – 21.08.2021. 

  • Hosting organization: “Bulgarian Sport Development Association – BSDA”

  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO”

  • Place: Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Participants age: 18+

  • The number of participants: 5

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 20.05.2021.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food. 

Art of creative thinking /ACT/ is a Mobility of youth workers (TC) that will deal with one of the most valued skills of the future-creative thinking and how it is born and developed in the young people as this is one of the new skills employers are looking for and it is hardly created by the formal educational system.

Duration: 7 full working days activities, 1 travel days in the period 14-21 August 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria. The countries involved in the project are: Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia in total 35 participants (5 youth workers per country + 2 trainers – BUL and BIH + 1 facilitator – BUL).

The TC will follow the NFE approach: a combination of different creative and interactive methods: theoretical inputs, round table, Compass/Salto sessions, individual/group activities, exercises, work on examples in a small group, case studies, real attempts and using Sport as an educational tool for acquiring skills and knowledge.

As robots increasingly take on manual labour in so-called Industrial revolution 4.0, we will need to foster what differentiates human from machine (at least for now): creativity. Evidence that psychological and physical well-being is paramount to creative thinking will turn the historic exchange of human health for economic growth on its head. As Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum writes, “I am convinced of one thing—that in the future, talent, more than capital, will represent the critical factor of production.” Creative humans, rather than fusion of technologies, is driving the 4th Industrial Revolution. Advancement in technology and their effective fusion is not the major driving force of this revolution — that is a result. Creativity is the major driving force behind this “industrial revolution.” 

While it is true that AI, super computers and robot manufacturing have already started reshaping workforces and economies, it is the creative workforce at companies such as Google, Tesla, SpaceX, and other notables who are helping engineer our future. At the same time, 40% of employers cannot find people with the right skills to fill their vacancies, and too few people have the preparation, mind-sets and competences to set up their own businesses or look for new opportunities. 

At the same time, 65% of school students in the moment will work on professions that do not exist yet. Education and training in Europe is the competence of Member States. National and regional labour markets and education systems are faced with their own specific challenges but Member States face similar problems and opportunities. That is why European initiatives for skills aim to mobilize all EU stakeholders along the following lines of action: Understanding Skills; Developing skills; Showing skills. In line with the Europe 2020 strategy, country specific recommendations related to skills development are addressed to a high number of Member States each year to guide their national policymaking. Support for developing National Skills Strategies in conjunction with the OECD is available to help Member States design concrete policy responses, while EU funding (the European Social Fund, Erasmus+, Youth Employment Initiative, EGF, Horizon2020, EaSI, EFSI, COSME) helps to put policy designs into practice. This process has to be horizontal and needs to be used in all the available fields to be able to ensure proper implementation of innovative educational methodologies and to prepare young people for the future challenges.


  • Getting youth workers familiar with the skills and knowledge of the future with a specific focus on creative thinking;
  • Deep understanding on how creative thinking is created and further developed in young people;
  • Understanding EU policies and priorities in the field of empowering young people in their personal and professional development;
  • Discuss and find possible answers of the current situation and future scenarios of the equipping young people with the needed skills and knowledge for the Industrial revolution 4.0.
  • Raise knowledge and gain new experiences on how will our world looks like in the forthcoming years and be ready for the challenges and opportunities;
  • Increase understanding on EU policies in the field of sport and physical activity and how sport can contribute to the development of creative thinking;
  • Empower young people to be more aware on EU policies;
  • Create a network of professionals from different countries, that understand and implement in their daily life the EU values;
  • Develop the potential for young people within education and employment.


  • Youth workers/sport coaches/social workers/educators active within their community;
  • Motivated to develop their competences in creative thinking and skills and knowledge for the future;
  • Committed to attend for the full duration of the exchange;
  • Aged preferably 20+;
  • Competently able to work in English.



Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. It’s in the west of the country, below Vitosha Mountain. The city’s landmarks reflect more than 2,000 years of history, including Greek, Roman, Ottoman and Soviet occupation. Medieval Boyana Church has 13th-century frescoes. Built by the Romans in the 4th century, St. George Rotunda Church has medieval and Ottoman decoration dating to the 10th century.


The travel costs will be 100% reimbursed in the limits of Erasmus+ rules. For the reimbursement please keep all the original tickets, invoices and boarding passes. The reimbursement will be done accordingly to the amount of the tickets, the maximum amount that can be reimburse for each country can be found in the table below. If the travel costs are bigger that the specified amount then, the extra amount is supported by the partner organization or by the participant.


Meeting venue will be Olympic school preparation center of the Ministry of Education and Science in Sofia, Bulgaria. The venue is providing facilities for accommodation in rooms with 2 and 3 beds, with private bathroom, digital TV and free WiFi that will host the participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Italy during their stay in Sofia. The base is suitable for training camps, for all participants in national and international educational Olympiads. All conditions for complete preparation and relaxation are provided, including huge conference center, restaurant and outdoor football pitches.

Address21, “Dragan Tzankov” blvd

How to reach Sofia

Sofia Airport (SOF) is the main international airport of Bulgaria. There are multiple airlines, flying to Sofia both regular and low-cost air suppliers. You can plan your trip by bus/train/car as well.  

To reach the TC venue

The area of the meeting is located at an equal distance from the airport, center of the city, central railway and bus station in a quiet city area next to the biggest park of Sofia – Borissova garden. Closest metro line station /JoliotCurie/ is situated just few meters from the meeting venue.

Ticket price is 1.60 BGN (0,80 euro) and you should check it on the check-in machines on the entrance of the metro station.

Link to downloadable Sofia metro maps:

COVID-19 regulations

During the event will be implemented all actual at the time of delivery safety measures. Please note that if PCR tests are needed, such can not be covered by project budget and are responsibility of each participant. All selected participants will be informed for the actual measures before the event itself.


Dietary requirements and disability:

If you have any dietary requirements, disability or special needs that the organizers should be aware of, please notify BRAVO TEAM before Friday 21st July 2021.



Partner organization staff will take video and photograph throughout the duration of the TC. Pictures will be shared on partner social network sites. Please advice us if you are aware of sharing pictures that you are on.



The weather in Sofia is pretty warm in August, so be sure to pack comfortable clothes suitable for summer indoor and outdoor activities.



Please bring with you sport equipment for indoor and outdoor sports.


Agenda and Venue details:

Agenda will be sent to all approved participants with the approach of the training course.


Intercultural evening:

We are planning to hold NGO market and intercultural evening. This represents an opportunity for you to share elements of your culture and reality with the others, and also, share information about your organization.

Each country will have a certain amount of time to be on the red carpet and delight the rest of us with the beauty of its culture. Just a few examples of things you could prepare: food, drinks, dances, songs. We strongly recommend making this evening a very dynamic, interactive one, and not use of Power Point presentation.

Please note: There is no possibility for cooking in the hotel, so please consider this when choosing what to bring.


Training and organizational team:

Ismail Sehic – Trainer

Ivaylo Zdravkov – Reporter & Facilitator – Bulgaria

Yoanna Dochevska – Project coordinator – Bulgaria










With the support of the “Erasmus+” programme of the European Union.


Art of Creative Thinking webpage:

Art of Creative Thinking promo video:


How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.

  2. Deadline for applying: 20.05.2021.

  3. Selection results: 25.05.2021.

    – External BiH participants– NO PARTICIPATION FEE

  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at: 
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