How to deal with the spread and the rise of Euroscepticism within countries and among European citizens? How can citizens, and especially young girls and boys, contribute to the ongoing dialogue on key issues such as migration and human rights, civil rights and duties, participation, media freedom and youth policies? How can dialogue and debate between young citizens and their communities promote a better mutual understanding of European values ​​and policies? How can citizens make a difference by making concrete proposals to EU policy makers?

These are just some of the questions that the “Bricks Made of Words: building Europe again through dialogue” project will try to answer through 6 events organized in Italy, the Republic of Serbia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium and Cyprus, where local citizens, policy makers, experts, trainers and facilitators, and students will meet and discuss together different points of view, find common foundations and jointly design new perspectives and policy proposals.

Special guests of the events will be 28 young European citizens from Brussels (BE), Sarajevo (BiH), Cavriglia (IT), Belgrade (RS), Arad (RO), Limassol (CY), interested in sharing knowledge and perspectives on key issues relevant for their future, as well as for the future of the European Union.

Grant Decision N °: 625628

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