At the end of March, our BRAVO Team visited the very city of power, Brussels for the final conference and final event of the project „BRICKS made of words“ under the slogan „Building Europe through dialog again“.


Read about what have they experienced during their four-day visit to the capital of Belgium, in they own words!

„BRICKS journey started back in September with the first event held in Italy, where I met an amazing team of people with whom I continued meeting up over a series of different events all over the world. Great friendships were formed, many happy moments shared. We all came to a final meeting point in Brussels, at the European Parliament, one of the centers of European democracy where we finalized and presented the recommendations for amendment of various policy areas of the European Union which were the result of various discussions, research, workshops, etc. held prior to the final event. Months worth of work resulted in a policy recommendation manual which was presented to the members of the parliament in hopes of improving certain aspects of the EU governance, especially when it comes to the youth population.” – SANIN

„Being part of the project and participating in the final conference in Brussels was like a dream! During our stay in Brussels, we visited the House of European History, and the Parlamentarium as well as the European Parliament. As my colleagues stated, all previous workshops and events led to this, and being able to listen to members of the Parliament, talk to them about our proposals and listen to their answers to our questions, was an incredible honor and pleasure. Young people united in their desire for progress and improvement of themselves and their communities in one place – in the center of power was extremely motivating and inspiring. I am so grateful to BRAVO for this amazing opportunity!” – TEA

„My name is Nataša and I have been a member of the Bravo organization for almost two years. It was my great pleasure to participate in the final training of the Bricks project, which was held in Brussels, where we had the opportunity to speak directly with the representative of Spain in the European Parliament about the problems and challenges that young people face today, as well as to give recommendations and solutions. The biggest impression on me was the visit to the European Parliament, the most important body of the EU, the place where laws, regulations and recommendations are passed, but also the policy of the EU and the whole world is created. Thank you Bravo for this opportunity and together let’s make the world wonder.” – Nataša

After traveling near 14000km around Europe in past six months, our journey ended up in Brussels, the heart of EU. It was a life-changing journey and a priceless experience. Words can’t express how grateful I am for being part of this project and team of amazing people from Serbia, Portugal, Cyprus, Belgium, Romania, Italy and Bosnia & Herzegovina. We had the chance to learn from each other, exchange thoughts and discuss everyday life experience in each of our countries thereby learning about EU significance, values and history. Event in Brussels gave me the chance to speak at European Parliament and present results and proposals of our project to MEP Mr. Javier Moreno Sanchez, member of European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee). We also visited Parlamentarium where we learned many new things about EU and had fun doing it and in the House of European History we had a tour through history of EU from it’s beginnings till today. After all, I have to say that I hope there will be more projects like Bricks, giving young people the opportunities to be heard, because our voice is not only future of EU, it is also present of EU. And as I said to Mr. Moreno – No single person knows all the answers, but when we are all together, when we let everyone contribute and be part of something bigger, we have success as it depends on hearing all voices in the room.” – Mirnes

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