From new friendships and adventures to making memories for a lifetime, at the beginning of this magical month of December our team experienced a true winter wonderland in the beautiful town of Zakopane in Poland!


As soon as we started this adventure, we knew it is going to be something special.. We have never imagined that in a short period of time you can experience 40 young people, once strangers, who can become like your second family!


On the very first day when we have talked about our hopes and fears and realized we all share the same thoughts- we immediately “clicked” with each other and during a 10-day period had so much fun together all while learning how to deal with many everyday pressures and challenges that we face. We have also made a portraits of each other whilst making it light and fun with lots of laughter. Focused on connecting each other these games were the perfect match!

By the end of the day everyone got together for a first Intercultural night where we have enjoyed delicious Turkish and Macedonian dishes.

The next task was a Tribe game where we had to complete 5 tasks in under 1 hour. We can proudly say that we all manage to do it successfully! Woo-hoo!

Following days were all about different activities focused on recognizing and dealing with different pressures, stereotypes and how to avoid them, ice-breaking activities and many, many more.

On the third day of the project, we were the ones “in charge” of keeping the atmosphere alive during the evening and had hosted an intercultural night. We represented our country starting with our national anthem, many lovely traditional songs (Enes and Mirza were absolut sing-along-superstars!) fun facts, yummy food and of course- we made everyone dance our national dance- kolo whilst Tea was a BRAVO ambassador in our well-known uniform (everybody loved it!)


And it was so good, everybody enjoyed and danced along.

In the following days, we had an NGOs exhibition where we made a presentation of our BRAVO (Emina showed impressive drawing skills!), as well as a project making exercises on topics such as youth policies, entrepreneurship, digitalization, mental health, art, ecology and human rights.

Our friend Filip from Serbia did a presentation about branding. After that we had Ana and Maša do a session about self-analysis and coaching.

On the last days of the project, we made interviews with locals about social pressure amongst young people. After that, we enjoyed the beauty of Zakopane, which was amazing.

It was a perfectly spent 10 days. Strangers became like family, we shared knowledge and made memories that will last for a lifetime. All that in a small town in Poland during holidays and wintertime which had a special charm.


Thank you, BRAVO! We'll remember this experience forever.


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