#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Troyan, Bulgaria

I can freely say that the project “Improving my leadership skills” had a great impact on my development. It strongly enriched my future capabilities and knowledge. I gained a lot of motivation and new ideas. Since I am eager to learn, I active listened to the facilitators and also other participants. During the project I learned about different competences such as digital, mathematical, civic, language. I got a knowledge about how a leader should look like and the values he/she should have. I can say that I met a lot of people and unexpectedly for me I managed to find something in common with almost each of them. They were endlessly interesting to me and I would love to meet all of them again, regardless of the little time we spent together. I recommend to young and motivated people to participate in Erasmus+ projects because in this way they can expand their knowledge and the circle of friends which in my point of view is extremely important.
Šejla Halilović
From the first day when we came, we knew that we would fit in. Indeed, we were still in Balkan, so we didn't feel like foreigners, but hospitality and welcoming that Bulgarians gave us is way over the top. Out of 31 people, you could, and have something to talk about with all of them. This was a proof that 7 days is enough to connect with someone, as long as you have the same goal and a dose of awareness. But it also proved that 7 days is not enough to fulfill every piece of emotion you develop through that time. But, we made friends for life, and we are proud of it. We had some difficulties with the food in the beginning, but we managed to make a deal. Mila, her lovely husband, and every group member made huge impact on us to walk through next projects more openly, and pushed us to spread love in the same amount. Hope to see this people over and over again, because with this background that we share, we can't fail and have an unsuccessful experiences.
Ehlimana Alihodžić
Participating in Erasmus + program on the topic of "Improving my leadership skills" placed in Troyan, Bulgaria tought me a lot of new things. Experiencing this program I went through new experiences in life, new challanges, and new life stories. Each youth exchange program brings different memories, and so does this one. Everything from the start was unexpected. Seven days before the trip I found out that I will go. Bulgaria seemd so far away and like a impossible goal. But, we made it. We had an awesome trip, visiting Skopje also. Other cultures were so unknown to me, but yet so unique and bautiful on their own way, such as the people that were there. What I am taking with me? Through this 7 days trip I learned about trust, understandment and respect. Now, I have more knowledge about these life values. And those are also the skills that every leader should to have. I learned about myself also. How I contributed in this program? Such as every young person intersted in leading and understand how the best leader can act, I asked a lot of question. I expresed my interest through my creative side mostly, but also through the teamwork which is also important. My message to other young people is to have confindence and trust. If you are leader or not, believe in yourself and your goals. You can do so much more than exprected and it will be worth it. Please have trust in yourself, because a lot of the things in life seem impossible, same as my trip to Bulgarian seemed, but they are not.
Semina Bulić