#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Czudec, Poland

BRAVO posts (13)

This was my first Erasmus+ project that I participated in and I have to say I enjoyed it so much. The concept of the project was great and our facilitator was the best. We all had so much fun and we gained new skills that can help us in the future. In addition, we gained new friends from different countries which I find the most rewarding part of this project. We learned about different cultures and opened our eyes to differences that are to be cherished. When it comes to my team, I have to say that I'm so happy that I have met these people. We got on so good with each other as if we knew each other our whole life. That's why I want to say thank you all for being the best team members ever. When it comes to Bravo, I have to say I really appreciate the opportunity you gave us. This means a lot to young people and I will definitely share this experience with my friends. The thing I like the most about Bravo is that all of you are super friendly and understanding. This inspires me to apply for many future projects. I hope we will see each other again

"The experience in Poland was more than excellent. Thanks to dynamic work, quality lectures, joint activities, we have gained new knowledge that will make our lives easier when it comes to modern technologies and life with them. It is important to know that primary socialization begins with people, not with phones, and that this is where all the wisdom of the world lies. "

I accepted the "Academy of Digital Leaders" just a few days before the youth exchange started and I did not regret expanding my horizons again. I overcame significant challenges with the team from BiH, as well as with other young people from the region who contributed to this program. In addition to advanced digital skills, we have also developed communication skills which is an essential element for any successful collaboration.

As this was my first youth exchange, I would like to say a little bit more. First of all, big THANK YOU to BRAVO for giving us opportunities like this, and for believing in us. It really means a lot that we have someone (all of you in BRAVO) who are there for us and who are supporting our ideas and thoughts. In these last 2 weeks of march, we were in Czudec, a little town in Poland. It was a marvellous experience. We learned about different cultures, since there were young people from Poland, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia. Even though on this project there are countries from Balkan, there was still place for learning and understanding each other. We shared ideas and thoughts about technology, learned about digital dementia and competences, which is really useful especially in this century of disinformation. It was really helpful and we will continue to do more on this topic. Also, we met some new friends and great people who are, just like us, ready and willing to do more for our society. Once again, thank you BRAVO, and see you soon in another country.

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