BRAVO team attended IUS Job Fair 2022 organized by the IUS Student and Career Centre together with 17 other companies. This Job Fair was organized with the intention to get to know the students with a wide variety of opportunities that different companies offer and how they can use them to boost their career path and further develop their skills and knowledge as well as further evolve their social network.


Other companies which also attended the event are HulkApps, Ant Colony, Transparency International, ETI, Infobip, Deloitte, Mozaik Foundation, Ziraat Bank, System Verification, ISATIS, Telemach, McCann, Authority Partners, Hifa Petrol Sarajevo, Jitasa, Comtrade, Raiffeisen Bank.

BRAVO members, Hana, Sanin, Almina and Lejla together with director Ismail used this opportunity to present BRAVO organization and the opportunities we offer to the students of IUS as well as young people from other faculties who were there.


We talked about Erasmus + program as well as the European Solidarity Corps program, what they offer, how can they use these opportunities and what adventures will they bring to them as well as the whole process of applying to an open call and what is the eligibility criteria. Also, we introduced them to the type of local activities we organise, and how can they get involved and become a part of our family.


Project deliverables such as guidebooks and promotive materials were distributed to students.


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