We have just added one more stamp to our passports. Currently, our participants are attending the Training Course in Eskişehir, Turkiye. We bring you the full story, coming straight from their lens.
The participants are on the journey of empowerment which is one of the main goals of this project. By attending this project, participants are learning the ways to fully express themselves creatively and become active citizens who will make meaningful contributions to their communities. The project ‘’Through the Lens’’ provided participants with a platform to recognize their values and competencies by helping them discover their values and competencies. To fully achieve its goals, the project uses concrete tools, such as drama and techniques from the Theater of the Oppressed which encourage young people to freely express themselves and get the inspiration to inspire change.
Through interactive workshops, participants are extending their knowledge about different concepts of social exclusion and nurturing the spirit of inclusion. Therefore, the project not only focuses on raising awareness but also helping participants to find practical solutions to solve the issues related to social exclusion. The participants are brainstorming to create effective strategies to promote inclusion and diversity. They are putting their knowledge and creativity into use and working on creation of the projects that will address the main concerns of today’s world and further foster inclusion.
They are not just learning they are creating one supportive network, promoting collaboration and a sense of belonging within the project community. Besides the educational aspect, participants are meeting other countries and cultures while creating life-long memories that will forever stick with them. They are exploring Eskişehir aka the dynamic and historically rich province located in the heart of Turkey.
The participants have described the experience as comforting as it enables them to uncover their values and reach their full potential. As every new moment unfolds, it leaves a great impact on them and reshapes the way they see life.
We hope that you have gotten your daily dose of motivation that is much needed for applying for the upcoming projects. Join us while we uncover the hidden beauties of the world!