We are off to a journey with our #friends and #partners from 7 countries that will last for two year and will explore #media and raise #awarness and #criticalthinking on #massmedia to make more #inclusive societies towards #refugees and #migrants.

Structured Learning for Awareness in Media” (SLAM) aims at enhancing young people’s awareness and critical thinking on the role of Mass Media as a challenge and precondition for more inclusive societies towards migrants and refugees.

The Council of Europe’s Report “Media Regulatory Authorities and Hate Speech” (2018) underlines the historical significance of media in enticing and feeding the climate of hatred and violence characterizing West Balkan’s turbulent past. The Balkans are still a primary example of media consciously or even deliberately using hate speech for sensationalistic purposes, thereby supporting it and causing its recurrence and reinforcement at the societal level.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has recently taken a foremost importance as a transit node for migrants and refugees seeking entrance in EU territory, a trend which the UNHCR (2018) recognized as exponentially increasing in 2018, from the 198 arrivals in December 2017 to the 666 registered in the peak month of March 2018. The strain posed on the local relief system by this surge has contributed to a growing sense of local unrest and discontent, which national mass media have so far been able to answer by providing the public with awareness and understanding circa the phenomenon, in many instances providing an amplifier to internal currents of distrust, hate and stereotyping.

From the European perspective, significant indications might be extracted from analysing media coverage about the reception and integration of migrants/refugees.

The CoE in its 2017 Report “Media coverage of the refugee crisis: a cross-European perspective” underlines the role played by media in fuelling societal hate speech as consisting in an abetting/legitimacy factor to explicit hate speech brought about by shallow and sensationalistic coverage.

Against this backdrop, there emerges the opportunity of exploring the similarities, differences and potential synthesis among the different yet interrelated challenges faced by West Balkans countries and Europe within a transnational effort aimed at laying the grounds of a greater media literacy and critical thinking at the level of the youth and, by extension, of society as a means to provide an antidote against phenomena of hate speech and a building block of successful integration processes.


Structured Learning for Awareness in Media” (SLAM) aims at enhancing young people’s awareness and critical thinking on the role of Mass Media as a challenge and precondition for more inclusive societies towards migrants and refugees.


The SLAM project is involving 7 partner organizations from both EU and non-EU countries. Our Consortium team includes organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.


For more info please check on the SLAM website

Joanna Dochevska
Joanna Dochevska
BRAVO is a unique organization that aims to bring positive change and European values in the region of Western Balkans. Devoted individuals, forming BRAVO are highly professional young people with deep passion of empowering innovations, learning opportunities and sharing new ideas, following its strong values that are transmitted in every activity of the NGO.
Paolo Menescardi
Paolo Menescardi
I have known BRAVO some years ago thanks to some Europen Projects we had in common. I was surprised by the structured and professional organization, with a long and proved experience in offering training experiences for Sport people, Coaches, Sport Diplomats, Professionals, Children and Young People. Since that time we established a long-term collaboration, exchanging knowledge, contents and tools to make our organizations grow in Europe.
Irem Ebru Kuru
Irem Ebru Kuru
BRAVO is one of the strongest partners of EPEKA. We have been collaborating successful projects together. BRAVO is learner-oriented with their quality services. With their experienced staff, they can reach their aims on time and they produce sustainable outcomes. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is BRAVO that you can trust.
Roberto Solinas
Roberto Solinas
BRAVO is now a well-known and solid institution in the frame of EU Programmes. Founded by visionaries and entrepreneurial minds, it counts on competence and passion as they say to make world a better place!
Mahmoud Sayed
Mahmoud Sayed
“Service to others is the rent for our room here on earth” Muhammed Ali Being a civil society supporter and aiming to help and provide multiculturalism is a goal for every youth worker and should be the goal for all to help human beings to grow without hatred and racism, these were the goals that I shared personally with the president of BRAVO and with the NGO as a whole. BRAVO has more goals for supporting and facilitating people’s lives in many aspects such as Inclusion and building strong societies and providing valuable experiences and opportunities for youngsters coming from all backgrounds and mentalities.
Ivana Pavelić
Ivana Pavelić
What are Bravo people like? Do you need responsible partners, someone who will do a great project promotion and volunteer preparation? Advise you when you need it or host you when the road takes you to Sarajevo? That's how BRAVO people look like.
Victor-Catalin Toma
Victor-Catalin Toma
BRAVO is that organization that I know for sure I can count on every each time. I think in the last years BRAVO had succeed to develop a great team who every each time proved itself to be a high trustful partner for us. Even if is about project planning, logistics, management, searching participants, preparing and supporting the young people during their international learning experience or just promoting the best practices developed during one project, BRAVO team managed each time to fulfill their tasks very professionaly, on time and on point. I do believe they are impacting the life of so many Bosnian young people, bringing them closer to what European Union stands for, while also they continue to develop personal and professional development opportunities for these young people.
Paolo Schetter
Paolo Schetter
"Like we say in Italy Bravo are really" Bravo"! Without the word joke they are super professional and so involved in sharing and promote the European values and for us, Moby Dick ETS, it s a pleasure to be their partner
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