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In the period of 07th to 10th  of December 2021, in Milan, Italy has held framework approval meeting of the project “BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents”. BOOST is a 24-month strategic partnership, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, which aims to create new learning and personal development opportunities for young people in Europe by providing interactive educational formats and methods based on the development of transversal skills. The meeting was attended by representatives of partner countries from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Italy and Croatia and Framework approval meeting was following the desk and field research regarding transversal skills development in young people and aims to approve the framework of both BOOST e-learning and handbook by the consortium. During the meeting, one representative from each partner organization and one youth worker has gathered together and has discussed in details the structure and content to be included in both outputs, analyzing the theoretical and practical content.

The BOOST project is fully compliant with the objectives of Erasmus + for increasing skills and employment opportunities; modernization of education, training and youth work; and focus on young people. What is important to say is that the are many needs of youth that the BOOST project will cover, but for you we are representing just few of them: the empowerment of young people and youth workers through all activities and results of the BOOST project; practical, suitable for young people electronic learning platform – MEP, for the development of transversal skills of young people; and last but not the least, with the BOOST we are bringing you BOOST handbook for all youth workers with a practical focus on the development of transversal skills in young people.

With the BOOST we have mission to achieve implementation of quality educational and research activities focused on the development of transversal skills of young people. We hope to succeed in our mission by developing, testing and launching a fully functional e-learning platform – BOOST MOOC, which will be aimed at developing the transversal skills of young people. The e-learning platform will be an online center for transversal skills, which will include various resources suitable for young people.

Through the mentioned results and activities, the BOOST project will strongly contribute to the development of the youth sector and will develop the transversal skills of young people in the current difficult situation. Interactive tools will be used to prepare content that will help young people increase their level of development and provide them with tips and tricks on how to further develop their transversal skills: critical and innovative thinking, presentation, communication and organizational skills, teamwork skills, self-discipline, enthusiasm, perseverance, self-motivation, tolerance, openness, respect for diversity, intercultural understanding, media and information literacy, ability to discover and access information ability to analyze and evaluate media content, physical health, religious values ​​(UN definition), which will be extremely useful for their proper professional and personal development if they are improved.


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