The „Becoming Digitally Conscious“ lokal workshop took place on the 21st of August in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The local workshop gathered   participants who were eager to extend their knowledge about digital devices and their implementation in education and in everyday life. The workshop was held by two BRAVO members, who are also educators.


The local workshop put focus on the usage of digital media in education. As the workshop was interactive and encouraged discussion, participants shared their point of view on digitalization and their ways of using digital media in educational and informational purposes.



The first part of the workshop started with the introduction of the participants, and getting to know each other through some ice-breaking games. This was followed by an introduction to the project and pointing out young people’s opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, the first part was accompanied by team tasks where participants discussed digital devices in general and where we use them in everyday life.

The second part of the workshop provided a chance to discuss and exchange participants experiences about restrictions in digitalization in education. The diversity of people brought a bunch of different opinions and ideas. In the continuation of the workshop, participants highlighted problems in their schools and education together with their ideas on how to overcome them.


During the four hours of the workshop, the following topics were covered:


  • Importance of digital awareness,
  • Restrictions of digitalization of education, and
  • Innovations and their implementation in society.

As part of the workshop, participants had to collaborate, research, and exchange their points of view and opinions about the topics mentioned before. They pointed out they enjoyed being engaged in interactive activities during the workshop and that they also had a chance to learn new things about digitalization. Also, participants had a chance to discover innovations in the digital world all around the globe. The discussion was launched afterward, covering the topics of implementation of different ideas of improving the digital sphere in our country, as well as copying the good practices and innovations from other countries.


The local workshop was successfully implemented and left a significant impact on all participants who have extended their knowledge on the topics of digitalization, restrictions of digitalization in education and innovations in the digital world. By taking part in the workshop, the participants were encouraged to become digitally conscious citizens, who will responsibly use technology, start a positive change in their society and use digitalization as a powerful tool for designing a better future for all.

More about BDC project:

We are excited to introduce the “Becoming Digitally Conscious” initiative, aimed at promoting healthy digital habits among young people. This project has three primary goals that we are committed to achieving.


The first goal of our initiative is to create a program of educational activities that will help young people become more aware of the impacts of excessive internet use. Our program is based on the “Theory of Change” methodology, which seeks to have a positive impact on society by making changes based on identified needs. Our non-formal activities will focus on increasing awareness about the dangers of excessive internet use and the need to become more mindful of how people use digital gadgets.


The second goal is to train a group of youth workers in delivering the educational program using non-formal methodology. The training will provide the participants with an incredible opportunity to enhance their skills and learn about the barriers to education digitization and how to overcome them. This will enable them to become ambassadors of healthy digital use and to promote responsible digital device use among their peers.


The third and final goal is to conduct a Youth Exchange in Germany, where 30 young individuals will participate in the pilot testing of the deliverable. The participants will be involved as disseminators or Ambassadors of healthy digital use in the coming months, committing to carrying out monthly initiatives to promote the conscious use of technologies, either online or offline.

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