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Second Transnational Meeting in Portugal, Lisbon EU on the Move

One of the specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of sport is to raise the awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in. With EU on the Move project, we want to address this topic because physical inactivity became not only European, but a global public health problem and because beyond health, increasing participation in physical activity has multiple mental, social, economic and environmental benefits, especially in young age.

The main aim of the EU on the Move project is to increase awareness of the importance of physical activity among children aged 7-11 (elementary school students) by additionally educating sport professionals (trainers, kinesiologists) and by implementing sport activities for children in schools/sport clubs/organizations in each partner country.

Main objectives of EU on the Move project are: raise the awareness of the importance of physical activity among children, increase physical activity levels in children, increase the proportion of children that participate in after-school sport activities, additionally educate sport professionals (trainers/kinesiologists) who work with children, combine sport with culture/ecology/nutrition and educate children on the other values through sport.

The project aim and objectives will be achieved through the implementation of 8 work packages(WPs) as follows:
– WP1. Project management, coordination and evaluation. – WP2. Development of survey and data collection. – WP3. Development of training module for trainers/kinesiologists. – WP4. Training session for trainers/kinesiologists. – WP5. Pilot project implementation. – WP6. Development of “EU on the Move” Guide. – WP7. Organization of the Final conference. – WP8. Dissemination, visibility and communication. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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