On June 27th, partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, and Turkey gathered in Antalya for the final transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Developing Academic Educational Tools and Methods of Traditional Sport and Games for Youth.” As the project concludes this year, this meeting marked the last gathering of the involved organizations.


This project aims to empower young people, particularly those with fewer opportunities, by promoting traditional sports and games as educational and engaging activities.


During the meeting, each organization had the opportunity to:


  1. Reflect on the project’s achievements and challenges.
  2. Evaluate the project’s impact on their local communities.
  3. Share success stories and personal experiences.
  4. Discuss strategies for sustaining the project’s initiatives.
  5. Finalize plans for disseminating the project outcomes.

The meeting was highly successful, allowing all partners to thoroughly understand the project’s achievements and the next steps for ensuring its lasting impact. With the final plans solidified, the organizations are now ready to disseminate the project outcomes and sustain their initiatives in their communities, countries, and globally.


Although this project has concluded, BRAVO remains committed to empowering young people and will continue to work on similar initiatives that foster growth and development.


The TRADITIONAL SPORT AND GAMES project is a collaborative initiative involving partners from various countries and sectors dedicated to reviving and promoting traditional sports and games. The project aims to create a digital platform called “Revival of Traditional Sports and Games,” which will be accessible worldwide and provide free access to traditional sports and games content. The platform will include printed and electronic intellectual outputs, books, innovative teaching methods, and a mobile application/game that allows for content development.

Key outputs of the project include the development of a web-based digital platform, an inventory of traditional sports and games in Europe, research and documentation of oral stories about traditional sports and games, an educational mobile game/application for teaching traditional sports and games digitally, video promotion films, an online map showcasing traditional sports and games events and organizations worldwide, a digital mentor/trainer module, and a toolkit for the revival of traditional sports and games.

The toolkit will cover various topics such as career development, youth support, athlete and trainer skills, cooperation with universities and federations, academic integration of traditional sports and games, and inclusion in school curriculums.

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