Opportunities like this don’t come around often, definitely! Not because we’re in beautiful Paris, but because it’s rare to have the chance to meet so many young people from different parts of the world, exchange experiences and knowledge with them. The best thing about the conference was the small group within Sports, which we called ‘Koki Kokić’, which I assume just reading

brings a smile to your faces! The Bosnian-Herzegovinian group had this much time to hang out together for the first time, and we definitely made the most of it, whatever was thrown our way!


I hope for new opportunities, new friendships, because experiences like these are truly valuable!” Selma Memović

The International Youth Peace Forum was a great team building and change making experience. Conference itself was an amazing way of learning new things about each others and a way of letting everyone speak up and feel heard. All the workshops we attended in the international were a great opportunity for everyone to share their opinions. It was a great way of meeting each one of the participants, getting to know their view on the topics we discussed. Also, all the places we visited, all the beautiful memories we have created together is the thing that I will remember the most, the beautiful people from the event were all so nice and always welcomed us with a smile. It’s definitely an experience that I’ll remember and, in the future, love to attend again.”– Asima Kokić

During the conference, young people from all over the world could see that the world we are living in is torn apart by different conflicts. However, they also saw that our mission is to put the pieces of the world back in their place. The world we are living in is left on the backs of youngsters who have the potential to achieve great things and accomplish something their predecessors only dreamed about. Conferences like these make us feel like we are part of a greater mission: the fight to ensure that every person on this planet has the opportunity for a happy and fulfilled life in prosperity and mutual understanding between races, religions, and cultures. I want to thank Civiq Service Européen for giving us the outstanding opportunity to be a part of this mission. – Tarik Dudić

Going to the International Youth Peace Forum in Paris was like going on a journey through time; it brought people together from all over the globe and gave them hope for a better future. I was one of more than two hundred young people from all areas of life who came together at this gathering to discuss ways to reduce political violence and extremism.


The forum offered a venue for fruitful debates, engaging workshops, and priceless chances to network. Every moment was brimming with the enthusiasm of dedicated individuals driven to have an impact, from thought-provoking discussions to group brainstorming sessions. The forum also gather high level officials and ambassadors of different countries, mainly from the Western Balkan region. This enabled us to engage with them and discuss various topics of great importance, such as the European Integration of Western Balkan countries. Along with the participation of ambassadors, high level EU officials were present as well.


The uniqueness of this forum lay in its focus on taking action. It wasn’t enough to merely share ideas; we had to find practical ways to implement them. A more peaceful and sustainable future may be within reach thanks to the creative suggestions generated by the group’s combined efforts. During this event, I had the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions with youth from all over the world, which contributed to a creation of an inclusive and strong platform for cooperation and peace-making.


As the first European host of the Olympic Games this decade, the City of Peace served as a fitting backdrop for the historic occasion. It was a reminder of the power of togetherness and cooperation, transcending differences to strive towards a common goal.


The forum ensures that its outcomes reach far beyond the bounds of the event itself. By formally submitting these proposals to the UN and relevant Member States, their impact is magnified, enabling them to be implemented on a worldwide level.


I feel hopeful about the future as I think back on my time at the Paris International Youth Peace Forum. United by our shared vision for peace, we left encouraged and empowered to continue our efforts in building a better world. I am glad for the opportunity to have been part of this transformative event, and I look forward to watching the impact of our joint efforts emerge in the years to come. – Sanin Bilić

“Participating in the International Youth Peace Forum in Paris was an invaluable experience for me as someone who works with young people. Developing a diverse set of skills is crucial for my daily work with youth, and this event provided an exceptional platform to enhance those skills.


The forum brought together 200 participants from various parts of the world, facilitating an understanding of the perspectives and views of young people from different cultures. This unique gathering enabled intercultural dialogue and the development of principles of open communication. Engaging with such a diverse group allowed me to see the world through the eyes of others, fostering a deeper sense of empathy and global awareness.


The theme of peace is particularly significant in these times, as we witness ongoing conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, and Palestine and Israel, among other global conflicts. The importance of promoting peace and understanding cannot be overstated. The discussions and workshops at the forum emphasized the critical role young people play in peacebuilding and conflict resolution. They highlighted the need for youth to be actively involved in creating a more peaceful world.


One of the most profound aspects of the forum was the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other passionate individuals committed to peace. Sharing experiences and strategies with peers from different backgrounds enriched my own approach to working with youth. The event underscored the power of collective action and the impact of youth-led initiatives on a global scale.


In my work with young people, I am constantly reminded of the powerful impact of fostering peace and empathy. This forum reinforced my commitment to these values. It inspired me to implement new strategies and approaches in my work, focusing on promoting understanding, tolerance, and cooperation among young people.


“Working with youth to build a peaceful future is not just a job, but a responsibility and a privilege. Through education and engagement, we can empower the next generation to create a world where peace and understanding prevail.” – Kenan Junuzović

“Where to begin, how to put all the emotions and beauty into a couple of short sentences? It was the ideal trip. I had been dreaming of visiting Paris since I was a little girl, and this opportunity came at the perfect time. I immersed myself in all the artwork, architecture, nature, and surrounding buildings—the Champs Élysées, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and then the breathtaking Metz. This trip provided complete inner satisfaction. On the other side of things, the Peace Conference was a thrill on its own. I met so many new people and connected with them during my stay in Paris. Everyone was welcoming and friendly about my ideas, and I had the chance to hear many wonderful speakers on stage. I am still reliving all the fond memories from France, and I can gladly say that this was simply majestic.” – Džejlana Čaušević

“This was a journey of a lifetime. A fantastic opportunity to meet and discuss about various topics and especially to listen to wonderful speakers. A chance to meet new people from different countries and places really helped me feel welcomed and heard. Even meeting some new people from my own country increased my friend group by a margin. Scenery, venue, landscapes, Eiffel tower, Metz Cathedral, the list goes on and memories go as well. I can gladly say that this was a story I will always cherish, throughout my life, with a smile on my face.” – Ajdin Aganović

“The Youth Peace Conference in Paris was an interesting environment to encounter incredible young people from different backgrounds. I imagine it was challenging to organize such an event for over 200 people, and it seemed to lack planning and was understaffed. It’s incredible how well the entire event portrayed the current state of the world, where peace is talked about as a utopian phenomenon—so far-fetched that relevant issues currently challenging peace are immediately disregarded. This is the only aspect I wish had been further explored during the conference. Nevertheless, our time in Paris was memorable and insightful. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the project extension in Metz panned out. Everything from the city to the activities and organization was wonderful. Overall, I am immensely grateful for this experience both in Paris and in Metz, as it introduced me to some of the most amazing people and experiences.” – Hana Pirović

“It was my first trip to magical Paris and my first travel experience with the BRAVO team. I only had to pack my baggage and leave my comfort zone in BiH, but it was worth it because I made unforgettable friendships and experienced many new things. I’m very grateful for this chance to be in such a different environment, surely the most beautiful city in Europe, with wonderful people. After Paris, we had the chance to feel the spirit of Metz, where we got to know each other better through activities and learned about new cultures from different countries. This trip was my first but not my last with the BRAVO team. Definitely, this trip will hold a special place in my memories. I’m looking forward to the next trip and new experiences!” – Merima Durić

International’s youth peace forum was one of the unforgettable experiences. I liked the idea of the project itself because I met young people from all over the world who have similar ideas as me. In addition to the fact that we share the same ideas, I realized that we share the same interests, so some new friendships were born there. This is what filled me every day while we were in Paris. The idea of the project was great, but I couldn’t say the same about the organization. In my opinion, the conferences were too long and somewhat exhausting. On the other hand, they were educational and interesting. I wish we had more free time to see Paris. Everything was fixed by a lunch break and coffee breaks. I liked that they respected people who are vegan and made a special range of food for them. I was sad when we left Paris and headed for Metz. I wish we had stayed in Paris. Metz was great. A small town that we got to know and visited through the activities.


All in all, I liked this project, I have no complaints, I took a beautiful and interesting experience with me that I would like to repeat again. – Uma Hubanić

“International youth peace forum in Paris and program extension in Metz were well planned events, but not so well organized. Some of the things that happened were we made some new friends, learned something new about peace, cultures from around the world and what does peace mean in their culture. For me the most important thing was that we learned how to behave in difficult situations. In situations like these, where we were “protagonists”, in my opinion we did good. I can’t say that these events were bad, they were great, they taught us some vulnerable things, but there is a lot of space for improvement. There is no doubt that if I ever get the chance to participate in an event like this, that I will turn it down, it would be my pleasure to participate in it. I hope that there will be second part of this kind of event and I would love to participate in it, because peace is what hold us together. – Eren Brljak

“Traveling with the acquisition of knowledge is a priceless opportunity that only few people get. It was an honor to be part of the people who got that opportunity. The Bravo organization did its best to make us all feel safe and to be in the right place. Meeting many people from different parts of the world, and getting closer to those we know before is a priceless opportunity that we have been given. We talked to people from other parts of the world about topics that concern us all and discovered new ways of thinking and solving problems. An unforgettable experience full of adventure, laughter, new knowledge and fun. From this experience, I have only positive reactions, beautiful moments and memories, and the
desire to continue such projects.
 – Amila Slijepčević

“Taking part in the Youth Peace Forum was quite refreshing as I met young changemakers from all parts of the world. Even though we all come from different backgrounds we were united with one main idea: to promote peace and harmony. The workshops were very well organized and they allowed us to share our experiences and bond even further. The forum knew no boundaries and it really met my expectations. It was just a perfect match of unity, peacebuilding, and diversity. Working in such an atmosphere pushed me to become a better version of myself who will continue to advocate for peace and be the voice for those who have been silenced. Equipped with knowledge and good practices, we are back to our country and are motivated to foster change and a peaceful society where everyone’s rights will be respected. – Una Alispahić

“The International Youth Peace Conference was a wonderful experience of meeting new people and discussing array of topics with them. The conference panels were sometimes lengthy but what really made the Conference so enjoyable for me was the workshops where I got to meet people living in countries from France to Japan. Being able to share ideas and viewpoints with such a diverse group of people is something I will always cherish. We enjoyed eachothers’ company so much that we went on to spend free time in Paris together as well. That, among all other things, meant that I got a chance to be guided through Paris by a person who lived there, an attendee of the Conference and now a friend.


Safe to say, I was sad when leaving Paris to go to Metz for the follow-up activities, but soon enough was captivated by the beauty of a town I had not known of before. I met some wonderful people there as well, and heard their personal volunteering stories, often revolving the scenic Metz itself. All in all, the visit and activities in Paris and Metz were a wonderful experience I would without a doubt like to be part of again.” – Amer Tanović

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