• Name of the project: Training Course “MEDIActive Youth”

  • Date of Project: 26.05. – 04.06.2024.
  • Sending Organization: “BRAVO”
  • Hosting Organization: “Centar za društveno ekonomski razvoj”
  • Place: Belgrade, Serbia
  • Participants age: 18+
  • The number of participants: 4
  • Working language: English

The TC will have 24 youth worker/trainer participants, 4 from each partner NGOs. The training will be led by experienced CDER trainers. The goal of the ToT is to provide news literacy, critical thinking and media activism learning skills for the youth workers/trainers from partner NGOs.  After the ToT, they will be empowered to educate young people in news literacy and critical thinking by using blended learning. They will also perfect their writing skills and start writing for the TYM.


1. Kenan Fehrić
2. Vanja Gojić
3. Amina Vejselović
4.Emina Bilalović


1. Amila Hafizović

More about BRAVO you can see on our video below: 

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