Our brilliant BRAVO Project Coordinator Marko Divković hosted an “Erasmus+ and ESC Info Day” in Tuzla on Friday, October 13th. Participants got the opportunity to find out more about both programmes, how young people can get involved in Bosnia and Herzegovina and all of the adventures that await!

Location and start time: Prostor za mlade, Tuzla, 18.00h

This year’s edition of #ErasmusDays is almost over but we are continuing to celebrate European mobility in full power. This seventh edition, held from the 9th to 14th of October, has highlighted Europe’s cultural diversity and a number of learning opportunities it offers. As the #ErasmusDays week is coming to an end, we hope that you enjoyed the ride along with us. The final activity we have prepared for you is a Scavenger Hunt around Sarajevo, on Saturday, 14th of October!!!

Now let’s pair up in teams of three and find the prizes that are worthy!!!

#ErasmusDays are an excellent way to promote the richness of European mobility and the successes of the Erasmus+ programme. In this European Year of Skills, it is essential to recognise the importance of Europe’s cultural diversity and to celebrate the learning opportunities it offers. #ErasmusDays are an ideal opportunity for participants to discover new cultures, strengthen their language and intercultural skills, develop their employability and embrace the European values of tolerance, respect and diversity.

As a Contact Point for the Erasmus+ and ESC programs for Bosnia and Herzegovina, we organize monthly events like this and gather all interested parties to engage in informal discussions and receive a wide range of information about the registration process for the Erasmus+ and ESC programs and answers to questions such as – what it means to participate in the mentioned programs, how to look for partners or choose the right field of work, etc.

There are multiple opportunities for youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina to get involved and we’ve shared the best resources you can use on your journey of self-growth through European mobilities. You can find open calls for opportunities on our website every day and you can use other resources.

As always, as the Contact Point for Bosnia and Herzegovina, we are here to answer any questions you may have regarding the Erasmus+ and ESC programs.


Erasmus+ is a European Union program for education, training, youth and sports activities that was launched in 2014. The goal of this program is to support the exchange of knowledge and experience between the member states of the European Union, as well as to support the development of competencies and quality in education, training, youth work and sports. The program applies to all levels of education, from pre-school to postgraduate and enables the mobility of students, teachers, experts and young people.

The Erasmus+ program supports different types of mobility, including study stays, practical experiences, volunteering, education and cooperation projects. The program also supports projects that focus on reforming the education system and improving the quality of education.

Since the beginning of the program, Erasmus+ has supported more than 9 million mobility of students, teachers and experts, as well as more than 200,000 cooperation projects. The program also supported the development of competences and quality in education, training, youth work and sports in many partner countries. The total budget for the Erasmus+ program was €14.7 billion for the period 2014-2020, while for the period 2021-2027 it was almost doubled to €26.6 billion.


The European Solidarity Corps brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to social challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop. ESC participants bring with them ideas, beliefs and expectations. With ESC, participants have the opportunity to live for 2 months or 10 months in another country, volunteer there, work, learn new things and have the experience of a lifetime.

A quick recap of the #ErasmusDays 2023 week:

Monday, October 9th: Two Instagram Live Sessions #ASKUSANYTHING
Tuesday, October 10th: “Role of Non-Formal Education in Employability” Session
Wednesday, October 11th: Coffee with BRAVO Gathering
Thursday, October 12th: ESC Cultural Exchange Evening
Saturday, October 14th: Scavenger Hunt

More about BRAVO you can see on our video below: 
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